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var message_3 = 'Hello,'+'\r\n'+trim(resInfo['name'])+' '+"meets my expectations."+'\r\n'+"Please give me the best price and some other product information."+'\r\n'+"Feel free to contact me via my mail."+'\r\n'+"Thanks a lot."; var message_4 = 'Dear,'+'\r\n'+"What is the FOB price on your"+' '+trim(resInfo['name'])+'?'+'\r\n'+"Which is the nearest port name?"+'\r\n'+"Please reply me as soon as possible, it would be better to share further information."+'\r\n'+"Regards!"; var message_5 = 'Hi there,'+'\r\n'+"I am very interested in your"+' '+trim(resInfo['name'])+'.'+'\r\n'+"Please send me your product details."+'\r\n'+"Looking forward to your quick reply."+'\r\n'+"Feel free to contact me by mail."+'\r\n'+"Regards!"; var message_6 = 'Dear,'+'\r\n'+"Please provide us with information about your"+' '+trim(resInfo['name'])+", such as type, size, material, and of course the best price."+'\r\n'+"Looking forward to your quick reply."+'\r\n'+"Thank you!"; var message_7 = 'Dear,'+'\r\n'+"Can you supply"+' '+trim(resInfo['name'])+" for us?"+'\r\n'+"First we want a price list and some product details."+'\r\n'+"I hope to get reply asap and look forward to cooperation."+'\r\n'+"Thank you very much."; var message_8 = 'hi,'+'\r\n'+"I am looking for"+' '+trim(resInfo['name'])+", please give me some more detailed product information."+'\r\n'+"I look forward to your reply."+'\r\n'+"Thank you!"; var message_9 = 'Hello,'+'\r\n'+"Your"+' '+trim(resInfo['name'])+" meets my requirements very well."+'\r\n'+"Please send me the price, specification, and similar model will be OK."+'\r\n'+"Feel free to chat with me."+'\r\n'+"Thanks!"; var message_10 = 'Dear,'+'\r\n'+"I want to know more about the details and quotation of"+' '+trim(resInfo['name'])+'.'+'\r\n'+"Feel free to contact me."+'\r\n'+"Regards!"; var r = getRandom(1,10); defaulProductInfo.message = eval("message_"+r); var g_inquirypopup=1; var mytAjax = { post: function(url, data, fn) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", url, true); xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8"); xhr.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest"); xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type','text/plain;charset=UTF-8'); 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4 Cylinders 50KVA Sound Proof Diesel Generator

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4 Cylinders 50KVA Sound Proof Diesel Generator

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Product Details:
Place of Origin: CHINA
Brand Name: ACEPOW
Certification: CE,ISO, SASO
Model Number: APYN-50
Payment & Shipping Terms:
Minimum Order Quantity: 1 PCS
Price: Negotiate
Delivery Time: 25 DAYS
Payment Terms: L/C, D/P, T/T
Supply Ability: 10000SETS/YEAR
Detailed Product Description
Engine: Yunnei Type: Standby Diesel Generator
Engine Model: YN36GB YN38GBZ Engine Cylinder: 4L
Fuel Tank Capacity: 70L Output Type: AC Three Phase/ Single Phase
High Light:

50KVA Sound Proof Diesel Generator


40KVA Sound Proof Diesel Generator


1800rpm silent electric generator

40KVA 50KVA Standby Diesel Generator Soundproof Generator Set Yunnei YN36GB YN38GBZ Super Silent Genset


Control System
Support engine and alterantor monitoring,measurement and protection.
This is long-running and back-up unit to integrate the best way to control.
Support Modbus standard modem,RS232/RS485/USB and internet.
Advanced design and precise manufacturing ensure low fuel consumption.
Strong power and perfect low speed performance.
Excellent start performance Reliable running quality less spare parts involved provides easy maintenance and repair job.
Fuel injector and pump were tested fully in various environments which provide excellent.
Forklift holes
With base frame for lift hole and generator canopy lifting hole.
Generator set base & Fuel tank
Standard 8 hours generator running base frame fuel tank (100% load)
Excellent design ensures compact structure and perfect appearance.
Excitation enhanced system improves start and short circuit’s protection performance.
Less parts involved and the most markets demand lead to cheap price and fine quality.
Core parts won t be involved in repair ob A R can be replaced easily examining diode doesn’t disassemble rotor.


Yunnei YN Series Main Technical Specificiation
NO. model

1 Type Water cooling,in line,four-stroke,wet liner and direct injection
2 Number of cylinders 4
3 Bore/Stroke mm 100*115 102*115 102*115
4 Displancement L 3.6 3.8 3.8
5 Compression ratio 18:1
6 Aspiration naturally turbo
7 Rated output kW 30/1500 36/1500 48/1500
8 Rated speed r/min 30/1800 36/1800 48/1800
9 g/kW.h
Fuel consumption rate
≦220 ≦225 ≦225
10 L
Oil sump capacity
11 Starting method Electric motor start
12 Lubricating method Pressure lubrication
13 Crankshaft rotating direction Clockwise(from the front view of diesel
14 Fring order 1-3-4-2
15 Net mass kg 330±20 330±20 340±20
16 mm
Overall dimension
830*610*750 830*670*800


4 Cylinders 50KVA Sound Proof Diesel Generator 0

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