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var message_3 = 'Hello,'+'\r\n'+trim(resInfo['name'])+' '+"meets my expectations."+'\r\n'+"Please give me the best price and some other product information."+'\r\n'+"Feel free to contact me via my mail."+'\r\n'+"Thanks a lot."; var message_4 = 'Dear,'+'\r\n'+"What is the FOB price on your"+' '+trim(resInfo['name'])+'?'+'\r\n'+"Which is the nearest port name?"+'\r\n'+"Please reply me as soon as possible, it would be better to share further information."+'\r\n'+"Regards!"; var message_5 = 'Hi there,'+'\r\n'+"I am very interested in your"+' '+trim(resInfo['name'])+'.'+'\r\n'+"Please send me your product details."+'\r\n'+"Looking forward to your quick reply."+'\r\n'+"Feel free to contact me by mail."+'\r\n'+"Regards!"; var message_6 = 'Dear,'+'\r\n'+"Please provide us with information about your"+' '+trim(resInfo['name'])+", such as type, size, material, and of course the best price."+'\r\n'+"Looking forward to your quick reply."+'\r\n'+"Thank you!"; var message_7 = 'Dear,'+'\r\n'+"Can you supply"+' '+trim(resInfo['name'])+" for us?"+'\r\n'+"First we want a price list and some product details."+'\r\n'+"I hope to get reply asap and look forward to cooperation."+'\r\n'+"Thank you very much."; var message_8 = 'hi,'+'\r\n'+"I am looking for"+' '+trim(resInfo['name'])+", please give me some more detailed product information."+'\r\n'+"I look forward to your reply."+'\r\n'+"Thank you!"; var message_9 = 'Hello,'+'\r\n'+"Your"+' '+trim(resInfo['name'])+" meets my requirements very well."+'\r\n'+"Please send me the price, specification, and similar model will be OK."+'\r\n'+"Feel free to chat with me."+'\r\n'+"Thanks!"; var message_10 = 'Dear,'+'\r\n'+"I want to know more about the details and quotation of"+' '+trim(resInfo['name'])+'.'+'\r\n'+"Feel free to contact me."+'\r\n'+"Regards!"; var r = getRandom(1,10); defaulProductInfo.message = eval("message_"+r); var g_inquirypopup=1; var mytAjax = { post: function(url, data, fn) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", url, true); xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8"); xhr.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest"); xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type','text/plain;charset=UTF-8'); 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600KVA 1800RPM 400V Brushless Alternator Generator , Alternator Brushless Motor

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600KVA 1800RPM 400V Brushless Alternator Generator , Alternator Brushless Motor

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Product Details:
Place of Origin: CHINA
Brand Name: ACEPOW
Certification: CE,ISO
Model Number: UC274F
Payment & Shipping Terms:
Minimum Order Quantity: 1 PCS
Price: Negotiate
Packaging Details: CARTON BOX
Delivery Time: 25 DAYS
Payment Terms: L/C, D/P, T/T
Supply Ability: 10000SETS/YEAR
Detailed Product Description
Product Name: Brushless Stamford Type Alternator Model: UC274F
Power: 100% Output Frequency: 50HZ 60HZ
Speed: 1500RPM / 1800RPM Power Range: 8-500KW
High Light:

8KVA Brushless Alternator Generator


400V Brushless Alternator Generator


600KVA alternator brushless motor

8KVA To 600KVA Brushless Alternator 100% Copper Electric Power Brushless Stamford Type Alternator Generator


1) Power range: 8-600kVA(6.5-536kw).
2) Brushless Synchronous A. C. Alternator,
3) Stamford& Leroy somer Type of Electric Generator,
4) Three Phase optional, IP23, Class H,
5) Rated voltage 400V, 110-690V option, and High-Voltage Alternator(4KV&11KV) also available


AVR: SX440, SX460, MX321, MX341
The main stator supplies power to the exciter stator via the AVR. The exciter rotor output is provided to the main rotor by a three-phase full wave bridge rectifier. This rectifier is protected by a surge suppressor against surges ecused by short circuit or lost Synchronization. Voltage regulation of SX440 AVR with three phase induction detecting module< ±0.5 %.MX321 and MX341 suitable for the generator with permanent magnetic generator (PMG).

Electric Features
Insulation And Varnish:
The insulation system is class H.
All wound components are impregnated with materials and processes designed specifically ensure the generator running in dreadful conditions. The special developed resin materials meet rotating components.

Windings and Electrical Performance:
All generator stators are wound to 2/3 pitch, This eliminates triple(3rd,9th,15th…)harmonics on the voltage waveform and is an optimum designed for UPS equipment of non linear loads. The 2/3 pitch design avoids excessive neutral currents result from higher winding pitches. A fully consecutive damper winding reduces oscillations during paralleling. The 2/3 pitch windings and carefully pole and tooth ensures very low waveform distortion.


Model Rated Output(KW) Rated Capacity(KVA) Rated Vottage(V) Rated Current(A) Power Factor(Cosф Rated Speed(r.p.m) Rated Frequency(Hz) Gross weight
AP-164A 6.5 8.1 400 12.3 0.8 1500/1800 50/60 95
AP-164B 8.8 11 400 15.8 0.8 1500/1800 50/60 102
AP-164C 10.8 13.5 400 19.5 0.8 1500/1800 50/60 110
AP-1640 12.8 16 400 23 0.8 1500/1800 50/60 116
AP-184E 18 22.5 400 32.5 0.8 1500/1800 50/60 141
AP-184F 22 27.5 400 39.7 0.8 1500/1800 50/60 164
AP-184G 2S 31.3 400 45.1 0.8 1500/1800 50/60 180
AP-184H 30 37.5 400 54.1 0.8 1500/1800 50/60 230
AP-184J 32 40 400 57.7 0.8 1500/1800 50/60 240
AP-224C 34 42.5 400 61.4 0.8 1500/1800 50/60 225
AP-224D 40 50 400 72.2 0.8 1500/1800 50/60 270
AP-224E 48 60 400 86.6 0.8 1500/1800 50/60 290
AP-224F 58 725 400 104.6 0.8 1500/1800 50/60 330
AP-224G 68 85 400 122.7 0.8 1500/1800 50/60 370
AP-274C 80 100 400 144.3 0.8 1500/1800 50/60 435
AP-274D 91 114 400 173.2 0.8 1500/1800 50/60 460
AP-274E 112 140 400 202 0.8 1500/1800 50/60 510
AP-274F 128 160 400 225.5 0.8 1500/1800 50/60 550
AP-274G 140 175 400 259.8 0.8 1500/1800 50/60 550
AP-274H 160 200 400 288.7 0.8 1500/1800 50/60 650
AP-314C 200 250 400 360.8 0.8 1500/1800 50/60 910
AP-314D 236 295 400 433 0.8 1500/1800 50/60 975
AP-314E 260 325 400 469 0.8 1500/1800 50/60 1055
AP-314F 304 380 400 548.5 0.8 1500/1800 50/60 1183
AP-354C 360 450 400 656.8 0.8 1500/1800 50/60 1350
AP-354D 400 500 400 721.7 0.8 1500/1800 50/60 1450
AP-3S4E 480 600 400 880.5 0.8 1500/1800 50/60 1598
AP-3S4F 536 670 400 967.1 0.8 1500/1800 50/60 1753


600KVA 1800RPM 400V Brushless Alternator Generator , Alternator Brushless Motor 0

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